Sponging and taking more than one's share and extravagance and waste on the part of cadres must be banned. 杜绝干部多吃多占和铺张浪费。
In an age of extravagance and waste, I wish I could show to the world how few the real wants of humanity are. 在这个奢侈浪费的年代,我希望我能向世间表明,人类真实的需求是多么的少。
We will run the government diligently and frugally, oppose extravagance and waste, and constantly reduce administrative costs. 要坚持勤俭行政,反对铺张浪费,不断降低行政成本。
It was reported earlier that the galas hosted by CCTV and other regional stations during the Chinese New Year have taken steps to cut down on their expenses, following the introduction of the government efforts to tone down extravagance and waste to fight corruption. 早先就有报道提到央视和其它地方电视台为了响应政府减少奢侈浪费以反抗腐败的号召,已经采取措施减少他们在春晚上的开支。
Extravagance and waste are already a serious problem in production, construction, circulation or consumption. 当前,无论是生产、建设、流通还是消费领域,都存在严重铺张浪费的现象。
Put a stop to extravagance and waste 刹住大吃大喝、公费旅游、铺张浪费的奢侈之风
One important task we are now facing is to deal with the serious problem of extravagance and waste in some government bodies. 当前一个重要任务,就是要解决一些行政机关存在的严重铺张浪费问题。
Resolutely combating extravagance and waste. 坚决反对奢侈浪费。
We should advocate hard work and plain living and building our country through thrift and diligence, oppose extravagance and waste, cut all unnecessary administrative expenses, and ensure funding for priority areas. 大力提倡艰苦奋斗、勤俭建国,反对铺张浪费,坚决压缩一切不必要的行政开支,保证重点支出。
"In some localities and government departments and among some leading cadres, formalism and bureaucracy are rife, deception, extravagance and waste are serious problems, and corruption is relatively conspicuous" 一些地方、部门和领导干部中形式主义、官僚主义盛行,弄虚作假、铺张浪费严重,腐败现象还比较突出
The quality of being extravagant. We can't do with such extravagance and waste. 浪费,铺张奢侈的性质我们不能容忍这种铺张浪费。
And they denounced the extravagance and waste existed in administration and pointed out: the conduct should be resisted; the relevant people penalized. For that hurted the masses, destroy the healthy social conduct and harmonious society. 大家纷纷痛斥行政机关存在的种种严重铺张浪费行为,指出浪费公款百姓看在眼里,痛在心头,极大地败坏了社会风气,破坏了社会和谐,必须坚决制止,并且追究相关人员的责任。
Formalism, the bureaucratic style of work, falsification, extravagance and waste are still serious problems among some leading cadres in our party, and corruption is still conspicuous in some places. 一些党员领导干部的形式主义、官僚主义作风和弄虚作假、铺张浪费行为相当严重,有些腐败现象仍然突出;
To run co-operatives with diligence and thrift it is necessary to raise labour productivity, practice strict economy, reduce costs of production, institute economic accounting and combat extravagance and waste. 要严格地节约,反浪费。全国上下必须厉行节约,节省花费。要勤俭办社,就要提高劳动生产率,严格节约,降低成本,实行经济核算,反对铺张浪费。
We must build the country through diligence and thrift, combat extravagance and waste, and encourage hard work and plain living and sharing weal and woe with the masses. 要勤俭建国,反对铺张浪费,提倡艰苦朴素、同甘共苦。
We must strengthen the management of public finance, work very hard to increase revenue, reduce expenditures, practice strict economy, combat extravagance and waste, and ensure the efficient use of public funds. 要加强财政管理,狠抓增收节支,厉行勤俭节约,反对铺张浪费,提高财政资金使用效益。
The great evil of inflation is largely the result of government extravagance and waste. 通货膨胀这一大灾难主要是政府奢侈浪费所造成的后果。
We need to practice economy, always be frugal and hardworking, and oppose extravagance and waste. 倡导勤俭节约、勤俭办一切事业,反对奢侈浪费。
It is easy to criticize governments for extravagance and waste. 批评政府奢侈浪费很容易。
Encouraging frugality and punishing extravagance and waste. 提倡节俭,力戒奢靡。
Humanities through the analysis of urban landscape planning drawbacks, including: the blind pursuit of formal beauty, does not consider long-term development, planning unreasonable extravagance and waste, allowing the many detours. 通过分析城市人文景观规划存在的弊端,其中包括:盲目追求形式美、不考虑长远发展,规划不合理、铺张浪费,让规划多走弯路。
At present, there are problems such as unscientific management, poor supervision, extravagance and waste in the infrastructure investment to colleges and universities. 目前,我国高校基本建设投资存在管理不科学、监管不到位、铺张浪费等诸多问题。